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The dialog takes place between

The dialog takes place between


Activity 1

Listen and repeat.

Practice the following dialog with a friend.

Edo: Look, Kinar! There's your name here! Wow, you've placed the first!

Kinar: Really? Wow, I can't believe myself! I won!

Edo: Yes, you made it! Congratulations, Kinar! 

Kinar: Thank you, Edo. Thanks for your support too.

Edo: You're welcome. I know how hard you've prepared yourself for the contest. Your victory is really worth it.

Kinar: You're right. Besides, I love English and reading stories.

Edo: I know. Anyway, it's written here that you should prepare yourself for the Regional Storytelling Contest in August. .

Kinar: You're right. The committee ever told me that the winner would represent our school to the regional contest. 

Edo: I know it's not easy, so I hope you show your best performance for the contest. If you win, it's a really great bonus.

Kinar: I hope so.

Edo: Just let me know if you need something. I will always be there to support you.

Kinar: Thank you, Edo.

Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Activity 1.

1. The dialog takes place between _____

2. Edo congratulates Kinar because _____

3. The contest was held in _____

4. Edo thinks that Kinar deserves to win the contest because _____

5. From the dialog we know that Kinar would spend her spare time to _____

6. In August, Kinar will _____

7. For the next contest, Edo hopes _____

8. Edo doesn't demand Kinar to win the contest because _____

9. Edo asks Kinar to contact him _____

10. Edo says, "If you win, it's a really great bonus." It means that _____​


1. The dialog takes place between Edo and Kinar.

2. Edo congratulates Kinar because she placed first and won the contest.

3. The contest was held in August.

4. Edo thinks that Kinar deserves to win the contest because she had prepared herself hard for it.

5. From the dialog, we know that Kinar would spend her spare time reading stories and practicing English.

6. In August, Kinar will participate in the Regional Storytelling Contest.

7. For the next contest, Edo hopes that Kinar will show her best performance.

8. Edo doesn't demand Kinar to win the contest because he understands that it's not easy and wants her to do her best.

9. Edo asks Kinar to contact him if she needs something.

10. Edo says, "If you win, it's a really great bonus." It means that winning the contest would be an additional and significant achievement for Kinar, beyond the initial victory she achieved.

Soal di atas berhubungan dengan kemampuan pemahaman dan penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam konteks percakapan atau dialog. Soal-soal tersebut meminta penafsiran dan pemahaman terhadap dialog antara Edo dan Kinar, serta kemampuan untuk melengkapi pernyataan-pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi dialog tersebut.

Dalam menjawab soal-soal tersebut, dibutuhkan kemampuan untuk memahami hubungan antara karakter, waktu, dan konteks percakapan. Selain itu, juga diperlukan keterampilan dalam menggunakan kosakata, tata bahasa, dan penafsiran makna dari kalimat-kalimat dalam dialog tersebut.

Melalui latihan semacam ini, pembelajar dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan, membaca, dan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, serta memperluas kosakata dan mengasah kemampuan tata bahasa.

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