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Contoh dialog congratulation graduation

Contoh dialog congratulation graduation

Contoh 1

Aisha: Hey, Kevin! I heard you finally graduated! Congratulations!

Kevin: Thank you so much, Aisha! Yeah, it feels amazing to finally have that diploma in my hands.

Aisha: I can imagine! All those late-night study sessions and hard work have paid off. You must be so proud.

Kevin: Absolutely! It's been a challenging but rewarding journey. I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends and family.

Aisha: Well, we're all incredibly proud of you. What's next on your agenda now that you're officially a graduate?

Kevin: I'm actually looking into some job opportunities in my field. It's both exciting and nerve-wracking, you know?

Aisha: I bet! But with your skills and dedication, I'm sure you'll land an amazing job in no time. Any specific companies you're interested in?

Kevin: I've applied to a few places already, focusing on those that align with my passion for environmental sustainability. Fingers crossed!

Aisha: That's fantastic! I have no doubt you'll make a positive impact wherever you go. Once again, congratulations on your graduation, Kevin!

Kevin: Thanks a bunch, Aisha! Your support means a lot to me.

Semoga contoh dialog tersebut dapat memberikan gambaran suasana percakapan selamat untuk wisuda. Jika ada elemen khusus yang ingin Anda tambahkan, silakan sesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan!

Contoh 2

Rita: Hey, Jake! I heard the good news – you've graduated! Congratulations!

Jake: Thanks a million, Rita! It still feels a bit surreal, to be honest.

Rita: I can imagine! All those years of hard work and dedication have finally paid off. How does it feel to officially be a graduate?

Jake: It's an incredible feeling. There were times when I didn't think I'd make it, but the support from friends and family kept me going.

Rita: Well, you did it! What's the plan now that you've got that diploma in hand?

Jake: I'm thinking of taking a little break first, maybe travel a bit. Then, I'll start looking for job opportunities in my field.

Rita: That sounds like a fantastic plan! You've earned a break for sure. Any dream job in mind?

Jake: I've got a few companies in mind, but I'm keeping my options open. I want something that challenges me and allows me to grow.

Rita: Wise choice! I have no doubt you'll land an amazing job. Your perseverance is truly inspiring.

Jake: Thanks, Rita! Your support means a lot. And hey, when I do land that job, we're celebrating big time!

Rita: Absolutely! I can't wait to see where this new chapter takes you. Congratulations again, Jake!

Jake: Thanks, Rita. I appreciate it more than you know.

Semoga contoh dialog tersebut memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana mengucapkan selamat untuk kelulusan. Anda bisa menyesuaikan dialog ini sesuai dengan hubungan dan situasi antara pembicara.

Contoh 3

Ari: Hey, Maya! I heard the great news – you've officially graduated! Congratulations!

Maya: Thank you so much, Ari! It still feels a bit unreal, but I'm thrilled.

Ari: You absolutely deserve it! All those late-night study sessions and hard work have paid off. How does it feel to hold that diploma?

Maya: It's a mix of relief and excitement. I'm grateful for the journey, the challenges, and the growth.

Ari: You should be proud! What's the next step for you now that you're a graduate?

Maya: I'm planning to take a short break, catch my breath, and then start looking for job opportunities in my field.

Ari: That sounds like a solid plan. Any dream job or specific companies you're eyeing?

Maya: I have a couple of dream companies in mind, but I'm open to exploring different opportunities that align with my passion for sustainability.

Ari: That's awesome! Your dedication to making a positive impact is inspiring. I have no doubt you'll find the perfect fit.

Maya: Thanks, Ari! Your support means a lot to me. And hey, once I settle into my new role, we need to celebrate!

Ari: Absolutely! Count on me for that celebration. Congratulations again, Maya!

Maya: Thanks, Ari! I appreciate your kind words.

Semoga contoh dialog tersebut memberikan gambaran bagaimana mengucapkan selamat atas kelulusan seseorang. Silakan disesuaikan dengan konteks dan hubungan antara pembicara.

Contoh 4

Lisa: Hey, Mark! I just heard the fantastic news – you've graduated! Congratulations!

Mark: Thank you so much, Lisa! It feels surreal, but I'm over the moon.

Lisa: You absolutely nailed it! I remember all those late-night study sessions and the hard work you put into your studies. How does it feel to finally have that diploma?

Mark: It's an incredible feeling, honestly. I'm proud of what I've achieved, and it's a testament to the support I've had from friends and family.

Lisa: Well, you've earned every bit of it. What's on the horizon now that you're officially a graduate?

Mark: I'm planning to take a little break, recharge, and then start exploring job opportunities in my field.

Lisa: That sounds like a solid plan. Any dream job or specific area you're aiming for?

Mark: I have my eye on a few companies that align with my interests in environmental sustainability. Let's see where the journey takes me!

Lisa: That's fantastic! Your passion for making a difference is truly commendable. I have no doubt you'll find the perfect fit.

Mark: Thanks, Lisa! Your support means a lot. And when I land that dream job, we're definitely celebrating!

Lisa: Absolutely! I can't wait to hear all about your new adventures. Congratulations again, Mark!

Mark: Thanks, Lisa! I appreciate it more than you know.

Semoga contoh dialog tersebut memberikan inspirasi untuk mengucapkan selamat atas kelulusan seseorang. Silakan disesuaikan dengan konteks dan hubungan antara pembicara.

Contoh 5

Sara: Hey, Ryan! I just got the news – you've graduated! Congratulations!

Ryan: Thank you so much, Sara! It's still sinking in, but I'm on cloud nine.

Sara: You should be! All those years of hard work and dedication paid off. How does it feel to finally hold that diploma?

Ryan: It's an amazing feeling, Sara. I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I couldn't have done it without the support of friends and family.

Sara: Absolutely! So, what's the plan now that you're officially a graduate?

Ryan: I'm taking a little breather, maybe a short trip to unwind, and then I'll start looking for job opportunities in my field.

Sara: That sounds like a well-deserved break. Any dream job in mind or specific companies you're eyeing?

Ryan: I have a couple of dream companies in mind, particularly those focused on sustainable practices. I want to contribute to making a positive impact.

Sara: That's wonderful! Your commitment to sustainability is inspiring. I'm sure you'll find the perfect place to make a difference.

Ryan: Thanks, Sara! Your support means a lot. And when I land that dream job, we're celebrating for sure!

Sara: Count me in! I can't wait to see where your journey takes you. Congratulations again, Ryan!

Ryan: Thanks, Sara! I appreciate your kind words.

Semoga contoh dialog tersebut memberikan gambaran bagaimana mengucapkan selamat atas kelulusan seseorang. Silakan disesuaikan dengan konteks dan hubungan antara pembicara.

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