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Jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 8 halaman 98

Pada exercise ini, siswa diminta untuk menuliskan dan menjabarkan rutinitas yang sudah dilakukan oleh Dayu, Lina, Siti, dan kawan-kawan berdasarkan perspektif seseorang yang sudah disebutkan.

Daily routines adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan sehari-hari atau biasa disebut rutinitas keseharian seseorang. Dalam menuliskan daily routines, kita harus menggunakan simple present tense.

1. Here are what Dayu, Lina, and Siti do as their routines, according to Udin (8 points).

a) Dayu, Lina, and Siti walk to school every day.
b) They always get to school on time.
c) They rarely take public transport.
d) They look healthy and happy all the time.
e) They often speak English to each other.
f) They also speak English to their friends and the English teachers.
g) They ask and answer questions in English.
h) Their English is very good.

2. Here are what Udin, Edo, and Beni do as their routines, according to Beni (6 points).

a) Udin, Edo, and I go home straight away after school.
b) We don’t go to the wrong places with our uniform.
c) Sometimes we go out in the afternoon for extra-curricular activities.
d) In our free time, we often ride a bicycle around the town together.
e) We sometimes swim in the river, because the water is still clean and clear.
f) We very often play football together, too.

3. Here are what Udin, Edo, and Beni do as their routines, according to Siti (9 points).

a) Udin, Edo, and Beni are always together.
b) They play together.
c) They also exercise together.
d) I like seeing them so close to each other.
e) Lina, Dayu, and I are their close friends, too.
f) The six of us often do our homework together.
g) We practice English together.
h) We help and learn from each other.
i) We also know each other’s family very closely.

4. Here are what Edo’s family does as their routines, according to Edo (9 points).

a) There is nobody at home most of the day.
b) Both my mother and my father go to work.
c) My sister and I go to school.
d) We usually have breakfast and dinner together.
e) We do not only eat, but we also talk, chat, and tell jokes.
f) Both my mother and my father are very good cooks.
g) My father often makes fried noodles and fried rice for breakfast.
h) He put a lot of vegetables and egg or chicken, too.
i) My sister and I make the table and clean the dishes after the meals

Simple Present Tense adalah salah satu dari beberapa bentuk waktu dalam tata bahasa bahasa Inggris. Ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian, situasi, atau tindakan yang terjadi secara reguler, berulang, atau fakta yang berlaku pada waktu sekarang, serta kebiasaan dan kebenaran umum. Simple Present Tense menggunakan kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar (infinitive) tanpa tambahan -s atau -es kecuali untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it).

Berikut beberapa contoh penggunaan Simple Present Tense:


She drinks tea every morning. (Dia minum teh setiap pagi.)
I always go to the gym on Mondays. (Saya selalu pergi ke gym pada hari Senin.)
Fakta yang Berlaku (Truths):

The Earth revolves around the Sun. (Bumi berputar mengelilingi Matahari.)
Kejadian Berulang (Routines):

They have English class every Tuesday. (Mereka punya kelas Bahasa Inggris setiap Selasa.)
Perasaan, Opini, Keyakinan (Feelings, Opinions, Beliefs):

I believe in equality. (Saya percaya pada kesetaraan.)
Jadwal Tetap (Schedules):

The train departs at 9 AM. (Kereta berangkat pukul 9 pagi.)
Kenyataan Umum (General Statements):

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. (Air mendidih pada 100 derajat Celsius.)
Penting untuk diingat bahwa dalam Simple Present Tense, kata kerja tidak mengalami perubahan (infinitive) kecuali untuk orang ketiga tunggal. Dalam kasus orang ketiga tunggal, kata kerja biasanya ditambahkan -s atau -es, seperti "he plays" atau "she eats."

Simple Present Tense adalah salah satu konsep dasar dalam tata bahasa bahasa Inggris dan digunakan secara luas dalam komunikasi sehari-hari untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini, kebiasaan, dan kebenaran umum.

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