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Contoh soal essay asking and giving opinion dan jawabannya

Ccontoh soal dan jawaban tentang "asking" dan "giving" opinion dalam bahasa Inggris:

Asking Opinion:

General Question:

What's your opinion on the current economic situation?


In my opinion, the current economic situation seems somewhat unstable due to various global factors.

Personal Question:

How do you feel about the movie we just watched?


I think the movie was very interesting with a unique storyline and strong performances from the cast.

Multiple Choice Question:

Do you believe that sports or the arts are more important in education?


This is a tough choice, but I tend to believe that both play significant roles in students' development.

Technology-related Question:

What's your take on the use of technology in the classroom?


I believe that technology can be a highly valuable tool in education, as long as it's used wisely and in the right context.

Question about Ideal Vacation:

What do you think the ideal vacation destination looks like?


For me, the ideal vacation destination combines natural beauty with a rich cultural experience.

Giving Opinion:

Opinion about a Book:

I think this book is excellent for those who enjoy science fiction.


I couldn't agree more. The book offers a fascinating concept and successfully transports the readers to a whole new world.

Opinion about a Policy:

What's your opinion on the new policy banning single-use plastics?


I believe it's a very positive step for the environment. Reducing single-use plastics is crucial for the future of our planet.

Opinion about Music:

What's your take on the jazz music genre?


I absolutely love jazz due to its creative improvisation and soothing vibes. It's one of my favorite music genres.

Opinion about Art:

How do you feel about abstract paintings?


Abstract paintings offer intriguing interpretative freedom. I appreciate the uniqueness and expression in such art.

Opinion about Food:

What's your opinion on vegetarian food?


I feel that vegetarian food can be a healthy and environmentally friendly choice. There's a wide variety of delicious menu options in vegetarian cuisine.

Hopefully, these examples help you understand how to engage in "asking" and "giving" opinions in various situations using the English language.


"Asking and giving opinions" mengacu pada proses komunikasi di mana seseorang meminta atau memberikan pandangan, pendapat, atau penilaian tentang suatu topik atau situasi tertentu. Pendapat adalah cara bagi individu untuk berbagi sudut pandang, keyakinan, atau evaluasi mereka terhadap sesuatu, seperti gagasan, peristiwa, produk, kebijakan, seni, dan lain sebagainya.

Asking Opinion (Mengajukan Pendapat):

Ini adalah proses ketika seseorang meminta pandangan atau penilaian orang lain tentang suatu topik. Orang yang bertanya biasanya ingin mendapatkan wawasan atau perspektif tambahan sebelum membuat keputusan atau membentuk pandangan mereka sendiri.


"What do you think about the new company policy?"

"How do you feel about the latest movie release?"

"What's your opinion on the current political situation?"

Giving Opinion (Memberikan Pendapat):

Ini adalah saat seseorang mengemukakan pandangannya tentang suatu topik yang diminta atau yang relevan. Seseorang memberikan pendapatnya berdasarkan penilaian pribadi, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman mereka terhadap topik tersebut.


"I believe the new policy is a positive step forward."

"In my opinion, the movie was well-made and entertaining."

"I think the political situation is quite complex and requires careful consideration."

Mengungkapkan pendapat dan meminta pendapat adalah aspek penting dalam berkomunikasi, karena ini memungkinkan orang untuk berbagi informasi, memahami perspektif yang berbeda, dan berpartisipasi dalam diskusi yang bermakna. Hal ini juga membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan yang informasional dan terinformasi dengan baik.

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