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Where did terry take his family last weekend

Where did terry take his family last weekend

Listen to the dialog and answer the questions.

Ben : Hi, Terry. How was your weekend?

Terry : Oh, it was terrible.

Ben : Really? What happened?

Terry : You know, my family and I planned to dine out at the weekend in

“Paradiso” restaurant. When we got to the restaurant there were no empty tables.

Ben : Had you made a reservation before?

Terry · No, we hadn't reserved.

Ben : You should have reserved a table. The restaurants are usually

crowded at the weekend.

Terry : Yeah, I should have, but I didn't. By the way, how was your

weekend, Ben?

Ben : It was terrific. We went to Blue Mountain. The view was so lovely

and the weather was nice.

Terry : Oh, you're so lucky, Anne. I should have gone there with you last


Ben : It's alright, Terry. You can go there next time.

Answer the questions.

1. Where did Terry take his family last weekend?

2. What happened at the restaurant?

3. Why did it happen?

4. What's Ben's advice?

5. How was Ben's weekend?

6. What did Terry think about Ben's weekend?

7. What is the dialogue about?


1. Terry took his family to the "Paradiso" restaurant last weekend.

2, When Terry and his family arrived at the restaurant, there were no empty tables available.

3. It happened because Terry hadn't made a reservation beforehand.

4. Ben advises Terry that he should have reserved a table, as restaurants are usually crowded on weekends.

5. Ben's weekend was terrific. He went to Blue Mountain, enjoyed the lovely view, and had nice weather.

6. Terry thought that Ben was lucky to have such a great weekend and expressed a desire to have gone with him.

7. The dialogue is about Terry and Ben discussing their weekends, with Terry expressing his disappointment about not being able to get a table at the restaurant and Ben sharing his enjoyable experience at Blue Mountain.


Soal di atas berkaitan dengan percakapan antara dua orang, Terry dan Ben, tentang akhir pekan mereka. Mereka berbagi pengalaman mereka selama akhir pekan dan membicarakan kejadian yang terjadi. Mereka berdiskusi tentang tempat yang mereka kunjungi dan situasi yang mereka hadapi.

Percakapan ini juga mengandung saran dan penyesalan terkait keputusan yang diambil. Ben memberikan saran kepada Terry bahwa seharusnya dia memesan meja terlebih dahulu di restoran yang mereka tuju, mengingat restoran cenderung ramai pada akhir pekan. Terry mengekspresikan penyesalannya dan iri terhadap akhir pekan yang menyenangkan yang dialami oleh Ben.

Jadi, secara keseluruhan, percakapan ini berkaitan dengan pengalaman akhir pekan, keputusan yang diambil, dan interaksi antara Terry dan Ben.

Dalam percakapan tersebut, Terry mengungkapkan bahwa akhir pekannya buruk karena tidak dapat mendapatkan meja di restoran "Paradiso". Dia menyadari bahwa seharusnya dia sudah memesan meja terlebih dahulu untuk menghindari masalah tersebut. Ben memberikan nasehat kepada Terry bahwa seharusnya dia sudah mereservasi meja sebelumnya, mengingat restoran biasanya ramai pada akhir pekan.

Kemudian, Ben menceritakan bahwa akhir pekannya menyenangkan karena pergi ke Blue Mountain. Dia menggambarkan pemandangan yang indah dan cuaca yang baik di sana. Terry merasa iri dan menyatakan bahwa seharusnya dia ikut dengan Ben pada akhir pekan tersebut.

Percakapan ini mengandung tema pengalaman akhir pekan, perencanaan yang baik, dan penyesalan terkait keputusan yang diambil. Ben memberikan saran kepada Terry berdasarkan pengalamannya, sementara Terry merasa menyesal dan mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk mengalami hal yang sama.

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